On January 11, 2013, Aaron Swartz committed suicide.
Those outside the online activism, open access, and social media circles may
not be familiar with this young man, but he is responsible for protecting many
of our rights to open access and our internet privacy. At the age of fourteen,
Aaron co-authored RSS, which is now vital to most aspects of content creation
and content consumption online. He created Reddit, a very popular social media
site (which knows its fair share of legal troubles, since some members use the
forum to trade child pornography). Aaron was also the founder of
DemandProgress, a site and online network of activists that became a very
powerful tool in fighting COICA (Combatting Online Infringement and
Counterfeits Act), the precursor to SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA
(Protect IP Act), which would have severely curtailed our online freedoms and
privacy if passed by Congress.
While at MIT, Swartz used his access to online academic
databases to download more than 400 academic journals and make them available
to the public for free. According to the government, his reason for doing this
was that the research written up for these journals was publicly funded, but
due to the publishing methods used, the general public had very little access
to this vast body of scholarship. Membership plans were pricy, and free
membership was only available to those privileged few admitted to undergraduate
and graduate programs where the college or university paid for access and
allowed students to use the journals.
It is entirely possible, however, that Swartz was doing
what a lot of hackers do and honing his skills with new challenges – the
digital, online version of climbing the mountain “because it’s there.”
JSTOR, one of the biggest online journal databases and
certainly quite a litigious body, was aware of the cyber-trespass, but did not
press charges. It was the United States government that pressed charges and,
relying on draconian computer laws, tried the case that resulted in a sentence
of thirty-five years in prison for this liberation of publicly-funded knowledge
and scholarship.
After the verdict, on January 11, 2013, Aaron Swartz
committed suicide.
Sadly, the story of an individual using the Internet on
his computer and catching a long prison sentence is nothing new or unfamiliar
at the Law Offices of Raymond G. Wigell, Ltd. Since he started practicing in
1975, Raymond Wigell has represented many people accused of various online
crimes, and in most cases, the government proposes unreasonably long sentences
that do not fit the crime.
One particularly memorable case that the Law Offices of
Raymond G. Wigell, Ltd., handled involved two young computer hackers. These men
were part of a small group of hackers that honed their skills by hacking
various software programs and switching servers and bouncing IP addresses. They
never sold any of the information or material they hacked; instead, they shared
it among themselves and those they trusted. But they hacked one program too
many, and the US government caught wind of it and pressed charges. Though this
group of “techies” argued that they didn’t harm anyone because they never sold
any information, the government maintained that hacking and piracy violated the
rights of the owners.
The two men represented by the Law Offices of Raymond G.
Wigell, Ltd., accepted responsibility for their wrong-doing but argued that it
was without personal gain. They only hacked the programs to see if they could
actually do it. . On the government’s end, however, motive doesn’t matter.
People who are engaging in silly, harmless conduct online with regard to piracy
and hacking are treated the same as those that have malicious intent, or those
who act with financial gain as their only motive. The government, when going
for prison time, consults the sentencing guidelines and often pushes for the
maximum years available, which can be ten, or twenty, or even more than that.
In this case, the sentencing guidelines indicated a
sentence of 10 years in prison for one of the men, and Raymond Wigell was able
to argue to the judge that a term of 2 years was appropriate under all of the
circumstances. For the other man, Raymond was able to argue and successfully
get him sentenced to probation.
While cybercrimes are serious, and involve things like
hacking, piracy, distribution of pirated materials, and even things relating to
sex offender registration and the like, the problem is that often times the
punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Between overzealous prosecutors, like the one
in charge of the case against Aaron Swartz, and fundamental flaws in our
sentencing guidelines and justice system at large, many people are being sent
to prison without a compelling reason, or being held there longer than is
reasonable or appropriate.
Aaron Swartz’s death is a tragedy. He was a young man
with a full life ahead of him, and the potential for even more greatness. He
was brilliant, innovative, original, a revolutionary thinker and a celebrated
advocate of net neutrality and open access. In our digital age,
need more “hacktivists” like him (despite how online security interests try
to frame the idea of hacktivism and hacktivists as something threatening and
But in our outrage about the entirely preventable death
of a brilliant young man loved throughout the Internet by the lowliest
middle-schooler with a Reddit account to a leader of political and academic
discourse about the Internet like Lawrence Lessig, we must not forget about the
The others are the countless individuals who didn’t
create Reddit or co-author RSS, but who were also given unjustly long prison
sentences. They are the ones who faced a cold, unfeeling justice system and
lost. They are the drug offenders who get lengthy prison sentences for a
relatively small amount of contraband. They are the repeat drug offenders who
get years upon years tacked on to their prison term instead of treatment that
could actually rehabilitate them and help them once more become productive members
of society. They are the non-white members of the population that face a higher
risk of arrest and lengthier incarceration simply for the color of their skin.
The justice system fails them every single day, but we
don’t hear about it on the nightly news. The only people who hear about these
people are their family members, their friends, and their defense attorneys.
The justice system failed them just like it failed Aaron Swartz. While Aaron
and Aaron alone is responsible for the choice he made, it is certainly true
that the outcome of his case weighed heavily on his decision.
We mourn Aaron Swartz, and we should be mourning the
other men and women like him, who weren’t prodigies and weren’t friends of
Lawrence Lessig. We should use our outrage at Aaron Swartz not to kick up the
dust now only to let it settle, but to use it as an impetus for a serious
discussion of the way our justice system functions, and an examination of
sentencing guidelines that, despite their purpose, do not always ensure that justice
is served.
In mourning Aaron Swartz and the brilliant life
extinguished, we should work toward changing the system that extinguishes
countless brilliant, productive lives every day.
The Law Offices of Raymond G. Wigell has represented many
people accused of hacking, piracy, and other Internet crimes. If you or a loved
one is in trouble, you have hopefully realized from this post that this is not
something to brush aside. The US government takes cybercrimes very seriously,
and if you or a loved one is being investigated for or charged with any
Internet crimes, time is of the essence. Contact the Law Offices of Raymond G.
Wigell, Ltd., at (708) 481 – 4800. Attorneys are available 24/7 and the first
consultation is free. Let us use our 37 years of experience in criminal defense
to help you in your time of need.